Your event arrival & check-in Instructions
Upon arrival, please find the hostess in the lobby by the Renault desk, they can help you with any question you might have.
Check in is from 3 PM, If you arrive earlier, we welcome you to join us at Duna Salon II. on the first floor, where we set up a private waiting room between 9 AM - 2 PM. If possible, early arrivers can check in before 3 PM, please ask the hotel staff at the reception.
During registration by the Renault hostess, you will receive a wristband with a QR code of the landing page, here you can find useful information about the event. If you arrive late at night, we will give you the wristband in the morning, during the registration for the conference.
If you have some free time on your hand, you can find some lunch and sightseeing recommendations on the event's website

InterContinental Hotel
1052 Budapest
Apáczai Csere János street 12-14.
Aranybástya Restaurant
1015 Budapest
Buda Castle, Csónak street 1.
Haris Park
1022 Budapest
Marczibányi square 6-7.
Taxi Info
Főtaxi: +36 1/222 2222
Breakfast at InterContinental (Corso Restaurant)
Meeting at InterContinental on the first floor, coffee break
Convention at Ballroom III. on the first floor
Lunch in Ballroom I-II. on the first floor
Meeting in the lobby for the afternoon activity - Please arrive on time!
Walk to Dock 11 at Petőfi Square guided by Renault hostesses
River cruise on the Danube
Walk back to Intercontinental guided by Renault hostesses
Meeting in the lobby for welcome dinner - Please arrive on time!
Shuttle to Haris Park
Arrival at Haris Park
Awards Ceremony at Haris Park
Gala Dinner at Haris Park
Shuttles back to InterContinental every half an hour
Check out, departure from the hotel